Next Course will be on the 22nd of March 2010! Get ready to participate in History!
To apply simply go to for an online application form!
Referred to as the "gentleman's gentleman", the butler is noted for his gracious and dignified manner which are essential characteristics for the role he plays as he is the first point of contact between the household and the outside world - answering the doorbell, receiving guests at the door and answering the telephone. He is responsible for supervising the domestic staff that he oversees, organizes and helps to train. He maintains the household budget and keeps an inventory of the silverware and other fine tableware, sets the table for meals and does the table service. He is experienced in serving techniques and table setting, well versed in high social etiquette and formal service, knowledgeable in wines and spirits and oversees the wine cellar and liqueur inventory. He supervises the family's packing and travel preparations and liaises with other staff as needed.