International Butler School / Academy

International Butler School / Academy
SABA - South African Butler Academy

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

HB's aboard!

CONGRATS to HB, who just heard that he's been accepted onto the Seabourne.

For those in the know: we're wonderfully jealous and super happy for you!

For those not in the know: HB will be going to sea with the super-elite to super-stunning places on VERY nice boats. Ha ha - I mean luxury yachts.

And for future Seabourne passengers - watch out: he'll be staff and therefore off-limits! :)

Well done HB!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Jolly Jeeves tackle housekeeping

The pros give us our name, no doubt not just for the alliteration, but also the fact that we are just a jolly bunch, especially when Laetitia and Gabrielle sit next to each other!

Last week's focus was housekeeping, and this week we are charged with blogging housekeeping tips ...

Be creative ... :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Butler Course Aug-Oct needs a name!

Alright, we've sat together in our rows like a zebra crossing for 2 weeks now. It's time to reflect our black and white penguin suits in black little letters on a white blog page.

But we need a name. Seriously, 'Butler Course Aug-Oct' is a little cumbersome.

Hit the 'Comment' button below and write your suggestions! Also add any topics you think would be fun to discuss, or any forums you'd like opened.

SABA Blog is ready, ma'am.
